Objectifs d’apprentissage

À la fin de la réunion annuelle 2025 de la SCR, les participants seront en mesure:


de décrire l’utilité des modalités d’imagerie avancées dans l’aide à la prise en charge des affections rétiniennes médicales et chirurgicales complexes,


de décrire les nouveaux progrès technologiques effectués en chirurgie vitréo-rétinienne,


Fournir une mise à jour des dernières avancées dans la prise en charge des affections médicales de la rétine, en mettant l'accent sur les nouveaux inhibiteurs du complément pour la dégénérescence maculaire sèche


Fournir une mise à jour des progrès récents dans la prise en charge des affections rétiniennes pédiatriques médicales et chirurgicales.

Ordre Du Jour

Friday, April 25, 2025

Regency Ballroom C 3rd Floor
Moderators: Keyvan Koushan, MD and Bernard Hurley, MD

3:30 PMWelcome and Opening Remarks
Keyvan Koushan, MD and Bernard Hurley, MD
3:40 PMCanadian Conundrums: Surgical Session & Discussion
Amin Kherani, MD
4:40 PMViscodissection for Tractional Retinal Detachments
Rishi Singh, MD
4:51 PMUsing Pre-Operative Circumpapillary RNFL OCT as a “Treasure Map” to Plan and Facilitate PVD Creation in Vitreoretinal Surgery
David Brown, MD
5:02 PMInferior Retinal Break Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment (IRB-RRD)
Noemi Lois, MD, PhD
5:12 PMQ&A
6:00 PMWelcome Reception – English Bay 34th Floor

Saturday, April 26, 2025

7:00 AMBreakfast – Regency Ballroom E/F 3rd Floor

Regency Ballroom C 3rd Floor

8:30 AMNew Concepts in the Understanding of ERM Pathogenesis
David Sarraf, MD
8:41 AMPars Plana Vitrectomy – Suprachoroidal Viscopexy (VIT-SCVEXY) for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Repair
Aurora Pecaku, MD
8:50 AMMinimally-Invasive Suprachoroidal Buckling Using a Novel Injector: Pre-Clinical Evaluation in Human Cadaver Eyes
Gareth Mercer, MD, PhD
8:59 AMPneumatic Retinopexy Prior to Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachments – the “Bubble and Book”
Jess Xiong, MD
9:08 AMRD in Cavitary Disc Anomaly
Wei-Chi Wu, MD, PhD
9:19 AMComparison of Outcomes Between Idiopathic Macular Holes versus Bacillary Layer Detachment-Lamellar Holes in Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachments
Isabela Martins Melo, MD
9:28 AMRefractive and Clinical Outcomes of Secondary Intraocular Lens Surgery between Intra-scleral Haptic Fixation (Yamane) Technique versus Gore-Tex Sutured EnVista Lenses
Bryon McKay, MD, PhD
9:36 AMQ&A
10:45 ‒ 11:10 AMBreak – Poster Session – Regency Ballroom C/Balmoral 3rd Floor

Regency Ballroom C 3rd Floor

11:10 AMIntroduction to the Mila Oh Memorial Lecture
Michael Kapusta, MD
11:15 AMMila Oh Memorial Lecture: Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy: From Risk Factors to Treatment Selection
Noemi Lois, MD, PhD
11:26 AMFloaterectomy Surgery – Good, Bad, and Ugly
Rishi Singh, MD
11:37 AMComparative Analysis of Intraocular Pressure Changes in Pneumatic Retinopexy Versus Vitrectomy for the Treatment of Retinal Detachments
Sue Ellen Demian, MD
11:46 AMImpact of Baseline Morphologic Stage of Full-Thickness Macular Hole on Postoperative Visual Acuity
Aurora Pecaku, MD
11:55 AMLate Complications of Regressed ROP: RD, VH, and Retinal Breaks
Wei-Chi Wu, MD, PhD
12:06 PMQ&A
12:30 PMLUNCH – Regency Ballroom E/F 3rd Floor

PLENARY SESSION #4 – AI and Retinal Imaging 
Regency Ballroom C 3rd Floor

2:30 PMSignature OCT 2025: New Diseases and Novel Findings
David Sarraf, MD
2:41 PMAreas of Hypofluorescent Delayed Near InfraRed Analysis (DNIRA) Precede Areas of Hypofluorescent Blue FAF in a Prospective, Longitudinal Study of Eyes with Multifocal Geographic Atrophy (GA) Due to Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Shelley Boyd, MD
2:50 PMGenerative-AI for Dye-Free Fluorescein Angiography
Alan Cruess, MD
2:59 PMOral vs IV FA in ROP
Wei-Chi Wu, MD, PhD
3:10 PMQ&A
4:20 – 5:10 PMBreak – Poster Session – Regency Ballroom C/Balmoral 3rd Floor
5:15 – 6:00 PMCRS Annual General Meeting
6:30 PMGALA – Regency Ballroom A/B 3rd Floor

Sunday, April 27, 2025

7:00 AMBreakfast - Regency Ballroom E/F 3rd Floor

PLENARY SESSION #5 – AI and Retinal Imaging 
Regency Ballroom C 3rd Floor

8:35 AMOCTA of Macular Disease: Can It Improve Clinical Care?
David Sarraf, MD
8:46 AMERM Macular Leakage
David Wong, MD
8:55 AMOphthoACR: A Novel AI-Driven Tool for Automating Ophthalmology Chart Review and Data Extraction
Vlad Diaconita, MD
9:04 AMQ&A
10:00 – 10:20 AMBreak / Poster Session – Regency Ballroom C/Balmoral 3rd Floor

PLENARY SESSION #6 – Medical Retina 
Regency Ballroom C 3rd Floor

10:25 AMDrug Clearance Variability Explains Why Many Patients Need More Frequent Intravitreal Injections Despite “Longer-Acting” Agents
David Brown, MD
10:36 AMSubretinal Delivery of Investigational ABBV-RGX-314 as a Gene Therapy for Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration (nAMD): Interim Results of Bilateral Dosing from a Fellow Eye Study
Raman Tuli, MD
10:45 AMVisual and Anatomic Outcomes of Dual Inhibition in Naïve nAMD Patients with Associated Subretinal Hemorrhage
Nirojini Sivachandran, MD, PhD
10:54 AMBaseline Ellipsoid Zone Integrity Features as Predictors of Geographic Atrophy Growth Rate in the Phase 3 GATHER Clinical Trials
Varun Chaudhary, MD
11:03 AMDiabetic Macular Edema (DME): A Personalized Treatment Approach
Noemi Lois, MD, PhD
11:14 AMQ&A
11:20 – 11:40 AMBreak – Poster Session – Regency Ballroom C/Balmoral 3rd Floor
11:41 AMFinal Results and Exploratory Outcomes of the HORNBILL Study: A Phase I/IIa Trial of BI 764524 in Patients with Diabetic Macular Ischemia
Varun Chaudhary, MD
11:50 AMThe 3 Drug Problem: Cost-Analysis of an “Avastin Preferred” Vial Splitting Program in Alberta, Canada for Vitreoretinal Diseases Treated with anti-VEGF Therapy
Amin Kherani, MD
11:59 AMQ&A
12:10 PMConcluding Remarks
Co-chairs: Bernard Hurley, MD, and Keyvan Koushan, MD
12:30 PMLunch – Regency Ballroom E/F 3rd Floor

Please check back soon.

Ordre Du Jour

Toutes les séances : Salle Cinéma – Rez-de-chaussée

Note : Cette réunion se tiendra en anglais.

Conférenciers invités:

Professeure d’ophtalmologie, University of Melbourne
Directrice adjointe, Centre for Eye Research Australia
Melbourne, Australie
Sobha Sivaprasad, MBBS, FRCS, FRCOphth
Ophtalmologiste consultante en rétine médicale
Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Professeure en recherche clinique sur la rétine
University College London
Londres, R.-U.
Carl D. Regillo, MD, FASRS
Professeur d’ophtalmologie, Thomas Jefferson University
Chef du Service de la rétine, Wills Eye Hospital
Sunil K. Srivastava, MD
Médecin membre du personnel, Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, OH

Vendredi 12 mai

Modérateurs : Bernard Hurley, M.D., et Robert Gizicki, M.D.

15h30 Mot de bienvenue et remarques préliminaires

15h40 Vitreoretinal Surgical Video Session: “Masters of Disasters”
David Wong, M.D.
Q&A (inclus)

16h25 Vitreoretinal Surgery in Uveitis
Sunil Srivastava, M.D.

16h40 Q&A

16h45 Pearls in Pediatric Retina Surgery
Cynthia Qian, MD

16h51 Complex Vitreoretinal Surgery
Flavio Rezende, M.D., Ph.D.

16h57 Bacillary Layer Detachment in the Pathophysiology of Secondary Macular Hole in Fovea-off Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment
Isabela M. Melo, M.D.

17h03 Q&A

17h11 Efficacy and Safety of Proposed MYL-1701P Biosimilar Compared to Eylea® (Reference Aflibercept) in Diabetic Macular Edema: A Randomized, Double-masked, Phase 3 Equivalence Study (INSIGHT Study)
Susan B. Bressler, M.D.

17h17 2-Year Evaluation of Subretinal Fluid Drainage Techniques in Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Primary Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment
Aditya Bansal, M.D.

17h23 Lenses for Pars Plana Scleral Fixation
Amar Mannina, MD

17h29 Q&A

17h37 Session 1 Remarques finales
Co-présidents : Bernard Hurley, M.D., et Robert Gizicki, M.D.

18h00 Réception de bienvenue – Princes’ Gates Ballroom

Samedi 13 mai

7h00 PETIT-DÉJEUNER – Princes’ Gates Ballroom

7h30 SYMPOSIUM SATELLITE – Cinema Ground Floor

Modérateurs : Varun Chaudhary, M.D., et Jason Noble, M.D.

8h30 Introduction à la Section 2

8h40 Reticular Pseudodrusen – A Critical Phenotype
Robyn Guymer, AM, Ph.D.

8h55 Q&A

9h02 Tyrosine Kinase Inhibition for nAMD Clinical Trial Studies
Carl Regillo, M.D.

9h17 Q&A

9h24 Early OCT Signs of Atrophy in AMD
Robyn Guymer, AM, Ph.D.

9h39 Q&A

9h46 Translating Clinical Trials to Practice in Geographic Atrophy
Sobha Sivaprasad, MBBS

10h01 Q&A

10h08 VOYAGER: An Innovative Real-world Study of Faricimab and the Port Delivery System with Ranibizumab in Patients with nAMD and DME
Robyn Guymer, AM, Ph.D.

10h23 Q&A

10h30 PAUSE – Princes’ Gates Ballroom Pre-function Area, 3e étage
Session d'affiches


Séance plénière No 3 – Retinal Vascular Disease
Modérateurs : Bernard Hurley, M.D., et Robert Gizicki, M.D.

11h00 Introduction à la Session 3

11h05 Choice of Agent in CRVO
Sobha Sivaprasad, MBBS

11h15 Q&A

11h22 CRAO Management and CRAO Masquerades
Sunil Srivastava, M.D.

11h37 Q&A

11h44 Where Do We Place Biosimilars in Our DME Treatment Algorithm?
Sobha Sivaprasad, MBBS

12h00 Q&A

12h07 Discontinuous Versus Continuous Treatment for DME: Evidence Review and Evidence Generation
Varun Chaudhary, M.D.

12h22 Q&A

12h30 DÉJEUNER – Princes’ Gates Ballroom

13h15 SYMPOSIUM SATELLITE – Cinema Ground Floor


Séance plénière No 4 – Surgery
Modérateur : Bernard Hurley, M.D., et Wai-Ching Lam, M.D.

14h15 Introduction à la Session 4

14h20 Perfluorocarbon Liquid in Retinal Detachment Repair: Pearls and Pitfalls
Carl Regillo, M.D.

14h35 Q&A

14h42 Mila Oh Memorial Lecture: Diagnosis and Management of Diabetic Retinopathy in 2030
Sobha Sivaprasad, MBBS

14h57 Q&A

15h04 The Surgical Management of Inherited Retinal Diseases
Peter Kertes, M.D.

15h19 Q&A

15h26 Gene Therapy for Neovascular AMD and Diabetic Retinopathy
Carl Regillo, M.D.

15h41 Q&A

15h48 PAUSE – Princes’ Gates Ballroom Pre-function Area, 3e étage
Session d'affiches


Séance plénière No 5 – Uveitis
Modérateurs : Phil Hooper, M.D., et Robert Gizicki, M.D.

16h15 Introduction à la Session 5

16h25 Masquerade Syndromes, New Treatment in Uveitis Imaging
Sunil Srivastava, M.D.

16h40 Q&A

16h47 Clinical and Imaging Pearls in Uveitis
Nupura Bakshi, M.D.

17h02 Q&A

17h15-18h00 SCR assemblée générale annuelle – Cinema Ground Floor

18h30 GALA – Princes’ Gates Ballroom

Dimanche 14 mai


Séance plénière No 6 – Coast-to-Coast Part 2 Medical Retina
Modérateurs : Bernard Hurley, M.D., et Robert Gizicki, M.D.

8h45 Introduction à la Session 6

8h50 Pachychoroid Spectrum Diseases
Wai-Ching Lam, M.D.

8h56 Scleral Buckle Techniques
Geoff Williams, M.D.

9h02 Exciting and New
Mark Greve, M.D.

9h08 Does Anti-VEGF Treatment Impact Retinal Nonperfusion in Diabetic Retinopathy?
Varun Chaudhary, M.D.

9h14 Q&A

9h30 SYMPOSIUM SATELLITE – Cinema Ground Floor

10h30 PAUSE – Trillium Park Studio, 3e étage
Session d'affiches

10h45 Assessment of Geographic Atrophy Progression in the Phase 3 OAKS and DERBY Trials
Tom Sheidow, M.D.

10h51 Retinal Displacement After Scleral Buckle Versus Combined Buckle and Vitrectomy for Rhegmatogenous Retina Detachment: ALIGN SB vs PPV-SB
Aditya Bansal, M.D.

10h57 The Long-term Structural and Functional Impact of Retinopathy of Prematurity
Cynthia Qian, M.D.

11h03 Delayed Near InfraRed Analysis (DNIRA) Identifies Novel Features of Nonexudative (Dry) AMD in a Prospective, Natural History Study
Filiberto Altomare, M.D.

11h09 Q&A

11h24 Remarques finales
Co-présidents : Bernard Hurley, M.D., et Robert Gizicki, M.D.

12h00 DÉJEUNER – Princes’ Gates Ballroom

Présentateurs d'affiches

Isabela M. Melo, M.D. – Toronto, ON

  • Posterior Hyaloid Discontinuity on Optical Coherence Tomography in Partial Posterior Vitreous Detachment and Vitreomacular Traction
  • Impact of Baseline Morphological Stage on Post-operative Outcomes in Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment

Parnian Arjmand, M.D. – Toronto, ON

  • Juxtafoveal Retinal Arterial Macroaneurysm: The Role of Ancillary Imaging

Amin Kherani, M.D. – Calgary, AB

  • Intraocular foreign body injuries from a Calgary perspective – a retrospective case series

Carl Shen, M.D. – Hamilton, ON

  • Intraretinal silicone oil migration: An under recognized OCT phenotype

Paola Oquendo, M.D. – Hamilton, ON

  • Comparison of the Photoreceptor Mosaic Before and After Macular Hole Surgery with High Resolution Adaptive Optics Imaging
  • Epiretinal Membrane and Associated Tractional Abnormalities Following Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Repair

Hatim Batawi, M.D. – Toronto, ON

  • Outer Retinal Hyperreflective Dots, A Potential Biomarker in Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment

Khaldon Abbas – Vancouver, BC

  • Characteristics of No-show appointments at a multicenter retina subspeciality practice

Aurora Pecaku, M.D. – Toronto, ON

  • Reattachment Rate with Pneumatic Retinopexy vs Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment with a Single Break in Detached Retina Only

Irina Sverdlichenko – Toronto, ON

  • Macular Hole Associated Retinal Detachment in High Myopic Patients: Case series and Overview of a Novel Surgical Technique

Aaditeya Jhaveri – Toronto, ON

  • Optical coherence tomography biomarkers as potential predictors for visual function and response to intravitreal therapy in diabetic macular edema: a review

Fowad Daud – Hamilton, ON

  • Combined versus Sequential Pars Plana Vitrectomy and Phacoemulsification for Macular Hole and Epiretinal Membrane – A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Milena Cioana – Toronto, ON

  • Post-procedural endophthalmitis visual outcomes by microorganism: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Réception de bienvenue

Levez votre verre avec des amis et collègues à la réception de bienvenue à l’occasion de la nouvelle réunion annuelle 2023 de la Société canadienne de la rétine

Vendredi 12 mai, à partir de 18 h

*Veuillez noter que le code vestimentaire est la tenue d’affaires décontractée
Réception et dîner de gala

Samedi 13 mai, à partir de 18h30

Lieu : Salle de bal Princes' Gates

*Veuillez noter que le code vestimentaire est semi-formel.